Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Ways Women Can Hold Their Own in a Male World


Joining a male-dominated industry, like engineering, computer science or construction trades, can be intimidating. So can working in a predominantly male office. Women often struggle to figure out how to gain respect from male colleagues. It's imperative to establish yourself as an intelligent, no-nonsense employee. Here are some ways to navigate a mostly male office.

Make sure women are valued. Before joining a firm in a male-dominated industry, make sure the company values and promotes women. Check to see if women are represented on the board and in leadership positions at the company, says Betty Spence, president of the National Association for Female Executives, a women's business association in New York. During the interview process, consider asking to speak with female employees to get their input and contact human resources to ask about policies like maternity leave.

Identify alpha and beta males. Separate the two types of men in the office and engage accordingly, says Christopher Flett, founder of Ghost CEO, a professional development program for women. Alpha males have a "get it done" mind-set, so when speaking to an alpha co-worker, use "goal-oriented" language and get to the point quickly, says Mr. Flett. Beta males are more concerned with collaboration and partnership, so tailor your language accordingly.

Find a mentor. Look for a female employee at your company to mentor you. She can provide you with a built-in support system and can help you figure out the lay of the land, says Raylie Dunkel, an executive coach and director of development with the Women's Leadership Exchange. If you can't find someone in the company, join a professional organization and build connections there. Mentors with direct experience in a male-dominated workplace can offer invaluable advice to navigating tricky situations.

Weighing a New Industry For a New Job Acing Your Performance ReviewEasing Back to Work After You've RetiredDealing With an Unexpected Job SearchSpeak assertively. Eliminate the phrase "I'm sorry" from your vocabulary, unless it's truly warranted. Women tend to apologize for situations that they aren't responsible for, which demonstrates weakness, says Ms. Spence. Don't begin sentences with the phrase "I think," as it demeans what you're saying, says Ms. Dunkel. Take a cue from your male co-workers and be direct and confident. Practice removing any traces of tentativeness from your vocabulary and be declarative when you speak.

Socialize with the boys. It may feel like you're crashing a fraternity party, but make your best effort to socialize with your male co-workers in formal and informal situations. Whether it's tagging along for lunch or drinks after work, important information is exchanged informally; being there to hear it may benefit your career, says Ms. Spence. If you find yourself being left out, organize your own events, says Ms. Dunkel. Consider joining the company-sponsored softball team or other activities.

Don't assume stereotypical roles. Women are naturally nurturing and it's something you shouldn't be afraid to show at work. However, be careful to not appear servile. Ms. Spence says never clean up after your co-workers or bring coffee to meetings -- you'll run the risk of being stereotyped and taken advantage of.

Write to Dana Mattioli at

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